Noble, Monique Articles

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Canadian equestrians breathe a sigh of relief when long-awaited spring weather finally arrives and the outdoor riding season begins in earnest. Time to fit up our horses and ourselves for trails, competitions, and the pleasure of spending time outdoors, finally free of the layers of winter gear and horse hair that come with the chillier seasons…

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Not much can gross out a horse person. We happily pick out hoofs, observe the quality of manure, scrape bot eggs off our horses’ legs, and get a weird sense of satisfaction from an expressed abscess. But ticks… ticks are just nasty.

grated coconut rodeo horse dies, bareback riding horse grated coconut, Stampede Ranch Manager Tyler Kraft

Grate Expectations - There is a deafening silence when a living legend becomes a legend. The roar of fandom becomes an echo and the anticipation of a show that only they can deliver will never again radiate through the crowd.