Little Girl Who Couldn’t Speak Tells Therapy Donkey “I Love You”

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Shocks the donkey was found lying in a field at a farm in Ireland with a rope tied so tightly around his neck he was covered in lesions and sores. In a misdirected attempt to help, his owner poured bleach over his wounds thinking it would help them heal. 

Shocks got a new home and a new life at The Donkey Sanctuary in Birmingham, England. In 2013, Shocks met Amber, who was two and mute due to complications when she was born as a premature twin. When a friend of Amber’s mother, Tracy, mentioned The Donkey Sanctuary they decided to give it a try. Click the link to read more and find out how the first encounter went for both Shocks and Amber…


Photo: Ambers Donkey/Facebook