Willing Partners: Insight on Stockmanship

Willing Partners: Insight on Stockmanship by Peter Campbell

Willing Partners: Insight on Stockmanship by Peter Campbell

By Peter Campbell
Published by The Frontier Project Inc.
Pueblo West, Colorado
ISBN: 978-0-9853425-2-4
$50.00 ~ Hardcover ~ 144 pages

Reviewed by Ceileidh Sager

Peter Campbell’s Willing Partners: Insight on Stockmanship provides owners, trainers, and riders with guidelines for developing young horses and establishing good stockmanship practices to ensure their mount’s continued advancement. The author endeavours to break down his equine philosophies, explaining how his mentors Tom Dorrance and Ray Hunt helped form his persistent yet patient approach to working with horses.

Campbell introduces readers to his views on horsemanship and training, explaining how he believes small steps, rewarding every honest effort, and making the “right thing easy” for the horse will allow a rider to progress with their mount.

The chapters discussing colt starting, uses of the snaffle bit, hackamore, two-rein, and spade bit will be of particular interest to Western riders working with young horses. Although Campbell’s focus is on Western riding and range work, riders of any discipline can glean valuable advice from his philosophies on working with juvenile animals.

Willing Partners is written in an uncomplicated, accessible manner. This straightforward book will be an enjoyable read for anyone interested in developing an honest, working horse.

For more information, or to order Willing Partners, visit www.petercampbellhorsemanship.com.

Willing Partners: Insights on Stockmanship