23 Articles

heat stress dogs, what to do if dog locked in car, my dog is suffering heat stroke, how to help overheated dog, what to tell heatstroke vet

Signs of heat stress, prevention, and treatment - Heat can have a devastating impact on our animals — it’s something that, in a clinic setting, I have seen first-hand. All animals outdoors in the heat — whether large or small — require shade, continuous access to fresh water, and air movement and ventilation. These basic concepts are of course the same principles that apply to us. With this in mind, this article will cover heat stress with specific considerations in dogs.

how to buy a horse, horse pre-purchase exam, equine pre-purchase exam, shopping for a horse, horse shopping, sellng a horse

Shopping for a horse can be one of the most exciting activities, yet it can often be frustrating, too. With a little planning and lot of forethought, you can make it more of the first and less of the latter. Help ensure that you end up with the right horse for your needs by having your coach or an experienced person you trust help you in the process. Regardless of whether you are working with a professional or going it alone, here are a few steps to take to make the process more enjoyable for everyone involved.

equine first aid, travelling with horses, safe trail riding, safe horse riding, safe equine first aid, horse's wounds, how to take a horse's heart rate, take horse temperature, check if a horse hydrated

Almost every owner will have to deal with an equine emergency sooner or later. A horse’s natural curiosity, a trail ride mishap, or turnout with herd mates can lead to all kinds of cuts, bruises, kicks, and bites. Scrapes, stone bruises, punctures, sprains, or sores can happen suddenly, and more serious conditions such as abscesses, colic, or bacterial infections can flare up with no warning.

lindsay grice, flat class, how to judge a flat class, how to judge rail class, rules of a flat class, how to prepare flat class, lindsay grice

Riding the Rail - No jumps. No pylons. No letter markers. Unlike classes assessing the accuracy of patterns, the quality of movements in tests, or how the competitor meets each jump on course, flat or rail classes appraise the picture of you and your horse in profile.

equine obesity, obesity equine fertility, laminitis equine obesity, studies equine obesity, heart problems horse, Natalia Siwinska and colleagues at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Poland

Obesity has a significant impact on the structural changes in cardiovascular tissue in horses, a recent study has found. Obesity is known to have significant adverse effects on horse health with laminitis an obvious example, but it can also contribute to other problems such as those affecting soundness or fertility.

jec a ballou dressage, exercise programs for horses, best way to exercise horse, how to have an effective horse ride

Most of us intend for our daily rides to improve our horse at some level, either by adding to his physical conditioning or progressing his training skills. But whether or not your horse actually makes these gains often comes down to the amount of time you spend on each phase of the ride. The format of your ride determines the outcome of physical improvement.

overheating horse too hot summer riding heat

A hot humid day. One rider. One horse. Both are exercising at a moderate level. Who is more likely to overheat? It might surprise you to learn that your horse gets hotter much faster than you and is more susceptible to the negative effects of heat stress. Prof. Michael Lindinger, an animal and exercise physiologist at the University of Guelph, explains: “It only takes 17 minutes of moderate intensity exercise in hot, humid weather to raise a horse’s temperature to dangerous levels. That’s three to ten times faster than in humans. Horses feel the heat much worse than we do.”

buy a horse property, horse properties canada, equestrian properties canada, how to buy a horse farm, owning a horse

Many people dream of leaving the city behind for the slower pace and more natural lifestyle of the countryside. The yearning for country living may be driven by the dream of keeping your horses at home, owning other livestock, developing a large garden, and enjoying a healthier way of life. But this idealized vision of rural life may not reflect reality for you and your family. There are many practical, environmental, and legal considerations to sort through, not to mention the financial costs. So before dropping a down payment on a piece of property, you have some homework to do, and there are some important factors to consider that might save you big headaches later on.

jec ballou, different speeds trot, tempo canter, tempo walk speed horse, training horse transition, zig zag poles horse

One of the simplest ways to improve athletic output is to ride your horse at different speeds within every gait throughout each week. Moving through a range of gears stimulates the neuromuscular system to create fuller metabolic function within muscles.

biosecurity horses, asymptomatic horses, preventing infectious diseases horses, UC Davis Center for Equine Health, preventing strangles horses

Asymptomatic Carriers - What You Don't See - While the term “asymptomatic carrier” made headlines with regard to the SARS-CoV2 virus that causes COVID-19, the concept is actually nothing new to epidemiologists and other researchers who study a variety of diseases in humans and animals. Asymptomatic carriers play critical roles in the transmission of infectious diseases in humans, horses, and other species, but they largely go undetected, thereby hampering control efforts.

Canadian Horse woodmont farm, yvonne hillsden, cherry creek canadians, dan wilson, kelly twordik, ebony breeze farm, dorothy kirby, guinness canadian horse

A Treasure for Over 350 Years - Good things were happening in New France in 1665. The New World colony had been under the tight control of the Company of One Hundred Associates since 1627. It capitalized on the fur trade while expanding French colonies along the Gulf of the St. Laurence and the river valley. But they were sporadically under siege from either native Iroquois tribes disrupting the fur trade, turf wars with the British, or conflicts with Quebec settlers resenting the company’s monopoly on trade.

will clinging horse trainer, my horse is anxious, releasing tension horse, riding a spooky horse

One of the biggest sources of tension is anxiety, or more specifically, the horse’s inability to deal with anxiety. Anxiety is a sincere emotion and I know many, many horses that are often overwhelmed by it. Anxiety can stem from a variety of places but where it comes from is less important than helping the horse deal with it.

equine vaccinations, horse vaccinations, preventing disease horses, equine guelph, west nile virus horses, equine viral arteritis, potomac horse fever, equine herpesvirus, ehv, equine encephalitis, eee, rabies horses

The immune system is the body’s defense against infection. Vaccines help the body to develop immunity by imitating an infection and are intended to create and maintain immunity against specific diseases for a period of time. Together with good management and biosecurity practices aimed at preventing and controlling infection, a vaccination program can minimize the horse’s risk of getting sick, as well as lessen the severity of sickness and reduce the risk of spread to other animals if sickness does occur.

are school horses good to learn on, what do school horses do, how to start riding a horse, didi  arias

My parents didn’t have a lot of money for my riding lessons, and I know they must have scrimped and saved for my one-hour sessions. Those lessons were the highlight of my week and they held great power over me to stay out of trouble — with one strike I could hear the parental words that put fear into every kid: “Behave or you will be grounded…” and they always finished the sentence with “…and that means NO RIDING.” I behaved.

hidden horse lameness, dechra lameness, dechra pharmaceuticals, hoof injury horse, inflamed equine joint, horse tendon injury, keeping horse sound, equine anesthesia, equine dermatology

When you think of lameness, you probably think of a limp or change in gait that tells you your horse is hurting somewhere — perhaps from a hoof injury, an inflamed joint, or strained tendon. In fact, signs of lameness can be so subtle that even the most attentive horse owners may not recognize a problem until it becomes serious. But there are cues you can look for and actions you can take to keep your horse feeling healthy and performing at its peak.

equine foundation of canada, efac, bursaries for equestrians canada, wcvm funding equine

Since 1984, the Equine Foundation of Canada (EFC) has been funding projects, equipment, and students to improve the welfare of horses in Canada. Fundraising has always been a challenge for the EFC, but 2021 was particularly complicated by the pandemic, lockdowns, and the limitation of person-to-person contacts. This has been especially true in Alberta due to the economic slowdown. Several years ago, Eldon Bienert was instrumental in securing several significantly large donations that have sustained the foundation through these tough times.

Trail Riding tips, Pat Barriage, Trail etiquette rules, Horse Industry Association Alberta, horse trail riding etiquette

Etiquette and safety are closely related. In many cases, a lack of one creates a breach of the other. Poor etiquette typically leads to unsafe situations, while good etiquette paves the trail for a safe riding experience. It is the right and responsibility of every trail user to ensure their oTrail etiquette and safety calls for cyclists to yield to hikers and horses, and hikers to yield to horses.wn safety and expect safe practices from other trail users.

Jochen Schleese, saddle fitting a growing horse, saddle fit colt, saddle fit filly, saddle fit young horse, horse lameness, horse back pain, equine back pain, equine injuries, equine lameness, horse saddle fit

‘Tis the season for buying young horses. Along with bringing the new prospect home come questions of when to start the youngster, and whether it makes sense to invest in a custom saddle. First, I will clarify the term “custom saddle.” I believe that true adjustability in a saddle is more important than whether it is “custom.” An adjustable saddle can be changed to accommodate the horse’s conformation as the horse matures, and that saddle is a worthwhile investment. Otherwise, you will likely have to buy several saddles over the course of your horse’s lifetime to make sure the fit remains optimal.

vaccination horses, how to vaccinate horse, does a vet need to vaccine my horse? uc davis center for equine health

What are the advantages of having a veterinarian vaccinate my horse? It is recommended to have a veterinarian vaccinate your horse, instead of doing it yourself, for several reasons.

mare rejecting foal, foal rejection, collecting colostrum horse, mare colostrum collection, betty baxter horse

Close Call - I staggered up to the house at 5:30 in the morning, kicking myself for being stupid. How could I have been so cocky as to breed horses for 20 years and not learn how to milk a mare properly? If the newborn colt didn’t get colostrum soon, I’d be rushing for the first ferry to get him and his mother to a vet clinic in the valley. But how was I going to load him into a trailer with Lucky, when she was terrified of him? My eyelids kept closing as I set the alarm for 7am and fell onto the bed, nursing the slim hope that when I woke I could find some local help. Ninety-five percent of foals are born safely, standing
